PCS was selected to perform IMO flooring repairs and install A-60 Fire Rated insulation to key areas of the Marlin.

The BP Marlin project included 375 SF of floor removal and repair in the galley and pantry. The 670 SF dining room area was sanded and recoated.

The project included removal and replacing of several types of existing floor coverings and underlayment that failed due to moisture intrusion, heavy traffic and maintenance issues.

Key Considerations for the project included the following:

Maintenance/Safety: BP was experiencing moisture related issues throughout the galley and pantry. It was very important the damaged decking system be thoroughly removed, the steel be properly prepared due to corrosion, and a new decking system be applied to prevent future problems.

IMO Approvals: A-60 Fire Rated insulation was required throughout the galley, pantry and dining room.

Construction Management: PCS removed and replaced 375 SF of existing floor coverings in the galley and pantry, and sanded and recoated 670 SF of the entire dining area.

Due to high traffic and constant cleaning, the dining room needed to be sanded and reflaked. Additionally, the floor finish was very uneven due to a poor quality original installation. PCS used its Flex IMO Base Coat to level the deck prior to the reflaking application.

Marine Decking Products Used:

  • PolySpec® 7K – IMO Approved Deck Top Magnesite Insulation (A-60 Fire Rated)
  • PolySpec® FLEX IMO – IMO Approved Flexible Decorative Chip Seamless Floor

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